Welcome to the OASES website! OASES is a research project (No.101018341) co- funded by the Third Health Programme of the European Union. The OASES team started this very important journey to work for better health systems and developing the health workforce in Europe. OASES is dedicated to providing a methodological knowledge and detailed analysis of the different problems that cause medical deserts. After identifying the various factors contributing to the desertification, possible solutions and the process of their implementation will be mapped as well. Come and join us to this exciting journey to make medical deserts bloom!
Second OASES EU wide conference and Health Workforce Projects Cluster joint event

The Health Workforce Projects Cluster of the EU Health Policy Platform organised a Europe-wide conference and discussed relevant policy recommendations, developed on the basis of the results achieved within the cluster, and launched a call to translate them into action.
This EU wide event highlighted health workforce challenges in Europe and provided practical inputs for policy making.
If yu missed the event find presentations and recording below.

Presentation of Monica-Georgiana Brinzac
about the preliminary results of the OASES pilot studies
is available now.
If you have missed the event, click for the recording on the button below.
Our new report on the state of the art of desertification in Europe and ways to mitigate desertification is available now!
It becomes more than urgent to promote evidence-based reforms to address the challenges
that the European health workforce is facing. For this purpose, it is necessary to analyse the
current situation, to provide a common framework and a common understanding of this
phenomenon knowing the specificities of each country, including a definition and taxonomy
of the concept of medical desert and a measurement methodology.
OASES presentation in EHMA2023
OASES WP4 partner Véronique Lucas-Gabrielli (IRDES) presented about OASES in the annual EHMA conference 5-7 June 2023 in Rome in the abstract session “Health systems’ policies and regulations”.
The conference was a great opportunity to present the methods and indicators that we plan to use to measure medical deserts in the OASES project.

OASES was presented in the 17th World Congress on Public Health in Rome
Our colleague, OASES WP6 leader, Monica Brinzac, had a presentation during the 17th World Congress on Public Health about the OASES project.
The focus of the presentation was,
”A framework for implementing pilot studies on medical deserts in Cyprus, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, the Republic of Moldova and Romania”
in the frames of the Research, Theories, and Methods in Public Health session.
We are glad that the pilot studies received such an interest from the audience and we are looking forward to sharing with you the final report on medical deserts in Europe.

In the OASES project, we collected grey literature from the OASES participating countries in order to identify the determinants and ways to mitigate medical desertification. Several ways to mitigate medical desertification have been implemented at national, regional and local level.
The figure below presents highlights of the effective ways used in OASES participating countries.

OASES project is focusing on the following issues:
- A lack of specialist doctors in a municipality.
- Difficulties to retain general practitioners in a remote area.
- Barriers to attract midwives to a rural community.
- Challenges in recruiting young nurses in a poor city.
- Scarce stock to replace retiring health workers.
- Lengthy waiting times and long distances when accessing health primary care services.
WHO has now published a useful tool, that can be helpful for us when concidering the above topics.
OASES Express – Stay informed about the latest developments, activities and tasks happening in OASES. Subscribe to the OASES Express. This piece of the newsletter will enable you to receive our news and updates about events, useful materials and findings directly to your mailbox.
OASES Consortium – Several institutes from all parts of Europe and with widespread backgrounds gathered together and created the OASES team. The team members work at various settings, academic and education institutes, research centers and development agencies with healthcare service management profile.
OASES analysis – OASES research on medical deserts is being designed by the OASES team. Key contemporary academic and grey literature will be mapped by using the AAAQ framework in order to explore the medical deserts in Europe. The literature review aims to investigate diverse aspects of medical desertification and reveal the most frequent factors that cause medical deserts. Read more about our framework for literature review here.
AGENAS – Agenzia Nazionale per i Servizi Sanitari Regionali
via Piemonte 60,
00187 – Roma (RM) – Italia